
Replace - Extraordinary/ Special General Meeting :: Voluntary

BackJul 13, 2021
Announcement Title Extraordinary/ Special General Meeting
Date & Time of Broadcast Jul 13, 2021 18:11
Status Replace
Announcement Reference SG210621XMETZEM8
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Wong Yoen Har
Designation Company Secretary
Event Narrative
Narrative Type Narrative Text
Additional Text Please refer to the attached Poll Results of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 13 July 2021.
Additional Text Shareholders should refer to the documents attached in this announcement with instructions on, among others, voting and participating in the Extraordinary General Meeting.
Additional Text This announcement has been reviewed by the Company's sponsor, CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch ("Sponsor") in accordance with Rule 226(2)(b) of the Catalist Rules.
Additional Text This announcement has not been examined or approved by the SGX-ST and the SGX-ST assumes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, including the correctness of any of the statements or opinions made or reports contained in this announcement.
Additional Text The contact person for the Sponsor is Mr Ken Lee, Associate Director, Investment Banking, Singapore. The contact particulars are 50 Raffles Place, #09-01 Singapore Land Tower, Singapore 048623, telephone: (65) 6337-5115.
Event Dates
Meeting Date and Time 13/07/2021 09:00:00
Response Deadline Date 10/07/2021 09:00:00
Event Venue(s)
Venue(s) Venue details
Meeting Venue The Extraordinary General Meeting was held by electronic means.


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