
Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Change In Interest Of Director

BackJul 14, 2021
Announcement Title Disclosure of Interest/ Changes in Interest of Director/ Chief Executive Officer
Date & Time of Broadcast Jul 14, 2021 17:42
Status New
Announcement Sub Title Change in Interest of Director
Announcement Reference SG210714OTHRP213
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Wong Yoen Har
Designation Company Secretary
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below - Refer to the Online help for the format) This announcement has been reviewed by the Company's sponsor, CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch ("Sponsor") in accordance with Rule 226(2)(b) of the Catalist Rules. This announcement has not been examined or approved by the SGX-ST and the SGX-ST assumes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, including the correctness of any of the statements or opinions made or reports contained in this announcement.

The contact person for the Sponsor is Mr Ken Lee, Associate Director, Investment Banking, Singapore. The contact particulars are 50 Raffles Place, #09-01 Singapore Land Tower, Singapore 048623, telephone: (65) 6337-5115.
Additional Details
Person(s) giving notice Director/Chief Executive Officer who may also be a substantial shareholder/unitholder (Form 1)
Date of receipt of notice by Listed Issuer 13/07/2021


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